
Our expertise in technology staffing services, process re-engineering, application development as well as internet of things, bridges the gap between real-world business and information technology-driven goals.

As a full-service software and hardware development and technology staffing company, as well as an information technology partner, we provide the following service but not limited

Operating Via Offices at:

  1. Addis Ababa
  2. Bahirdar
  3. Motta
  4. Debremarkos

Payit also has different Agents working in every part of Ethiopia: Bahirdar, Motta, D/Markos, Jiga, Dangla, Amanuel, Lalibela, Sankira, Dejen, D/eliyas, D/birhan, Adama, Harar, Bako, Bekoji, Holeta, Ambo, Huruta, Shashemene, yabelo, Butajera etc…

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